Classmate AR Quiz Contest Answers Win FREE AR Notebooks

Classmate AR Quiz Contest Answers Win FREE AR Notebooks. Classmates Augmented Reality Series Take the #LearnWithAR Quiz and Earn Your Medals! Stand A chance to win Exclusive AR Notebooks! Just follow these simple steps Now Immerse In Interactive Lessons That Transform your Learning!

Classmate AR Quiz Contest Answers Win FREE AR Notebooks

How to Participate in Classmate AR Quiz Contest?

  1. Click Here & Visit Classmate AR Quiz Contest Website
  2. Fill the Details Like Name, Mobile Number & Other Details
  3. You  will ask Some Quiz Questiions
  4. Answer all Questions
  5. If you are Lucky you can Win Free AR Notebooks.

Classmate AR Quiz Answer:

Q1. This Fish is Know for its migratory patterns and is a popular target for sport fishing?

Answer: Marlin

Q2. This fish is known for its ability to inflate itself as a defense mechanism?

Answer: Pufferfish

Q3. What element is know for its liquid form at room temperature and is commonly used in thermometers?

Answer: Mercury (Hg)

Q4. What is the chemical formula for baking soda?

Answer: NaHCO₃

Q5. This circuit has multiple paths for current flow. What type of circuit is this?

Answer: Parallel Circuit

Q6. What type of circuit is shown where the path is complete, allowing current flow?

Answer: Closed Circuit

Q7. What is the Sun's outer atmosphere visible during a total solar eclipse called?

Answer: Corona

Q8. Name this constellation

Answer: Auriga

Q9. What is 32 x 4?

Answer: 128

Q10. Identify this shape

Answer: Decagon

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